Monday, August 23, 2010

Bill thinks I am taking over...

Bill my dad thinks I am taking over everything. I'm not really. I am however making strong suggestions. Which Dot and Bill will not entertain. I mean I am trying to give them sound advice. Like the yellow jacket bees in my room. Yes in my bedroom. Tons of them. I try to kill as many as I can. But they keep coming. In my bedroom. So we tried some do it yourself bee killer. It didn't work. Next step, a bug pro. But no Bill won't hear of it. He says the bee season will end soon. Like when? He is always so crabby and mean. Really a jerk. If I didn't know better I would think he is not my bio dad. He never really liked me. I am a HUGE disappointment to him. Oh well I try. So wish my good luck with the bees....

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