Sunday, September 12, 2010

At least there is humor...

Some days are so funny. Dot will say something wrong or inappropriate and she will know how silly she is being and she will laugh at herself! She is not at her best when cooking. We had our family over for dinner and I told her I would make the chile for her. She said very sternly, no way.. I have a certain way of doing it and I will do it myself. She is getting controlling in her old age! And she mumbles to herself about Bill. She pretty much ignores him!!! That makes me so happy. Bill is the dominent, controlling, bully of the family. She will exhaust herself to do things her way. When I try to help, Dot will stand over me telling me how to do this or that! Or when I drive her somewhere, she will tellimg what lane to be in and what space to park in! And she gives me directions. I tell her I have lived here for 53 years and I know how to get here and there! Well,,,, what will this week bring?

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