Saturday, September 18, 2010

Must you?

So my beautiful, sweet mom has become extremely CONTROLLING!!! When I am driving her somewhere, she directs my every move! Between Dot and Bill, I don't know what to do! Bill was the absolute control freak of the family. Now I guess Dot thinks its her turn. She is fierce! She knows what she wants and she won't acept anything less. Which is good in a way. She has never stood up to Bill ever in her life. She is starting to mumble under her breath about Bill. For instance she will say to me after Bill has made some pronouncement, "Oh we'll just ignore him, and do what we want!" I love it! I just wish she would have done it YEARS ago. This year for the first time in a million years, she didn't go to Rally Sunday at Mountn Olivet. Her church for 55 years. She was too tired. Very unlike her. And when its time for communion, she can't do take it because she can't remember where she sat. Soo sad. She is so small. Under 5 feet. She seems like she is shrinking. But her voice is nice and loud! Yesterday she was sick and I stayed home with her. She is a pack rat. I began to get rid of all the little things she is saving. If I do it when she is around, she will go through the garbage to see if I threw anything she wanted to keep. Oh yes. She will save ugly material from the 70's, she thinks someone will make a quilt out of it. So I had my sister Cathy come over and take the black garbage bag to her house and throw it away! Later....

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